
Rescata tu AFORE provides this site and its contents, without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

Terms and conditions of use:

Access and use of this website is subject to the following Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, please do not use this website. This website has been developed and is managed by Rescata tu AFORE. We reserve the right to change all or part of our website, the General Terms and Conditions of Use, our General Terms and Conditions of Business, as well as the Terms and Conditions of Service, at our discretion, at any time and without any notice, and/or to interrupt operation. Therefore, we request that you check the changes and additions the next time you visit this website.

Intellectual property:

All information, documents and images published on this website are the property of Rescata tu AFORE. Permission to use this property is only granted on the condition that the copyright notice appears on all copies, the information is only used for personal use and not for commercial purposes, the information is not modified in any way, and all images of the website are only used with the corresponding texts on the website.

Limits of Liability:

Rescata tu AFORE has put together the information available on this site from internal and external sources with the greatest care and professionalism. We continually strive to expand and update this information. The information on this website serves solely the purpose of representing Rescata tu AFORE. However, we cannot guarantee –neither expressly nor implicitly- the integrity and accuracy of the information contained on this website. You especially should be aware that this information may not have been updated. Therefore, you should always check the information contained on this website before use. Users of this website declare that they access this website and its contents at their own risk. Neither Rescata tu AFORE nor third parties involved in the creation, production, or transmission of this website assume any responsibility for any damages or injuries resulting from access or the inability to access the website, for the use or inability to use the website, or for the results of actions carried out based on the information obtained on this website.

Third Party Websites / Links:

Our website may include links to third party websites; for example, government, companies, organizations or individuals.

We expressly state that we have nothing to do with the contents of web pages linked to our website. All links to other websites are only available as a service to visitors to our website. We are not responsible for the content of other websites or any harm resulting from that content. If you decide to access third party sites linked to our website, you do so at your own risk and responsibility.